
Ritual is a way to command or invoke an energy to enter into your life. We have access to energies ALWAYS! All we need to do is remember.

Wisdom keepers around the world have kept the magic alive throughout time from generation to generation. Most of the world has fallen into forgetfulness and distraction with the material/physical world and forgot our connection to nature, to spirit.

Ritual work has been documented all the way from ancient civilizations like the Mayans, Egyptians, Hindus to  religions and traditions in modern day.

We are at a time where all that information is beginning to be remembered as the wisdom keepers of nature and energies are emerging once again, due to a planetary cycle we are shifting into.

Rituals invoke energies. We connect to those energies and we evoke, work with them. 

Every ritual is opened with smoke. Smudging the space to create a pure container to invoke the energy you desire to work with. It is a rite of passage, a purification, an offering, a prayer sent out in reverence for the sacred energies.


To learn more about ritual work, contact me for a consultation!

And here is a beautiful text I found for you:

"Magic goes beyond lighting candles and making circles of salt, true magic is the manifestation of your right to be happy.  When a magician understands what DESERVANCE is then he finds the cup of the holy grail, the key to heaven, the pot filled with gold at the end of the rainbow.

   A magic ritual is the action that reminds you that what you ask for is already yours, you only needed to order.

   If you believe in magic, the first step is to believe that you deserve it and that you are chosen.

   If you want to be initiated, you only have to believe you are deserving.
   So magic is not for everyone, only for the true children of love, those who feel loved by the universe and deserving of everything.